
...this beardcap was designed with you in mind

I found this super cool lifestyle shop called Mjolk. They focus on Scandinavian design, but they're located in Toronto. I want to visit it next trip to Ontario. I was browsing through their catalog when my breath was taken away by these beardcaps. I really wanted to surprise Dave with one, but thought twice about spending $94.....on a beardcap. 

Mjolk says that, "The beardcap refers to a traditional cap called 'lambshed-hood' which was used in Iceland by farmers who in heavy snowstorms had to walk long distances between their sheds and to the neighboring farms. The cap covered both head and neck and had only a small opening for the face."

Dave really needs the long black one worn by the man on the right. It would cover his beard, don't you think? Then he wouldn't look like this anymore:


  1. As good as the idea may be Dave wouldn't wear it cause North Face doesn't make it :(

  2. Love the beard cap. Reminded me of this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFnarFSj_U (caution, contains some colorful language)

    Fear the beard. How's the house hunting?
